W ciągu najbliższych paru dni poprowadzę dwie sesje na Virtual Study. Obie z nich mają pomóc w przygotowaniu do egzaminu 71-686.
Designing Client Configurations, odbędzie się jutro – 22.09.2009 o godzinie 20:30, sesja obejmuje:
- Design standard system settings:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: choosing methods, including logon scripts, startup scripts, and Group Policy; designing profiles; designing error reporting; designing audit policy.
- Define client security standards:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: application control policies; encryption; stopping unnecessary services; designing firewall rules; defining anti-malware settings; changes to Kerberos and NTLM; configuring user rights; defining UAC policy; designing a security template for system lockdown; defining account policies; designing security standards for removable storage.
- Define Windows Internet Explorer settings:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: defining security zones; cache location; branding; in-private mode; restricting or allowing plug-ins; add-ons; privacy policy; browser protected mode.
[edit] Moja prezentacja, którą posługiwałem się podczas sesji do pobrania tutaj.
Designing a Windows 7 Client Deployment, odbędzie się w najbliższą sobotę – 26.09.2009 o godzinie 20:00, sesja obejmuje:
- Analyze the environment and choose appropriate deployment methods:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: building the infrastructure; advantages of lite-touch vs. zero-touch vs. local install; capacity and scale considerations; determining required changes to the infrastructure.
- Design a lite-touch deployment strategy:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: unicast vs. multicast; auto-cast vs. scheduled-cast; staggered deployment; scheduling considerations; network load considerations; choosing a client boot method for deployment; unattended answer files; restricting who can receive images; choosing a delivery mechanism.
- Design a zero-touch deployment strategy:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: designing and configuring task sequencing; unattended answer files; scheduling considerations; staggered deployment; network load considerations; restricting who can receive images.
- Design a user state migration strategy:
- This objective may include but is not limited to: determining which user data and settings to preserve; local vs. remote storage considerations; determining mitigation plan for non-migrated applications; securing migrated data; testing designed strategy; wipe-and-load migration vs. side-by-side migration.
[edit] Moja prezentacja, którą posługiwałem się podczas sesji do pobrania tutaj.
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W najbliższym czasie będziemy się również uczyli do 71-685. Zapraszam!
źródło: VirtualStudy.pl
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